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The Role of Grandparents In Child Growth

The grandfather's grandmother's existence can not be separated from the growth and development of the Son. Grandparents can be one-source of help, support, and encouragement in caring for and taking care of the Child.

The matter of affection from Grandpa and Grandma is also beyond doubt. They will wholeheartedly provide the best for their grandchildren. The closeness of the relationship between grandchildren with Grandpa and Grandmother also has benefits for both parties. For grandchildren, Grandma's Grandfather can complete the fulfillment of affection apart from Mother and Father, that is to get the intimate affection of the extended family and the surrounding people. Children who grow up in the intimate and warm environment of their family relationships will grow into confident children, and their lives will be rich with love, and they will usually also be loved people.

However, when it comes to the matter of the Child, sometimes there is a problem between Grandparents on the one hand and Mother and Father on the other. The example is the rules that the Child uses by Mother and Father, but is "broken" by Grandparents because they feel they have other rules that are considered better for the Child. The initiative makes it self-regulation that is vulnerable to sparking the fires of conflict between Grandparents and their parents.

Parenting that is not parallel between parents and Grandparents, can make the Confused Children must follow the words of whom, parents or grandparents who is a daily take care of him.

In addition to confusion, independent attitude and discipline are also difficult to form within the Son. Can not be denied, Grandparents tend to spoil his grandson. As a result the Children tend to be more relaxed, less able to uphold discipline, and less independent. They prefer to whine and spoiled because of Grandpa and Grandmother, so unconsciously that attitude becomes formed and embedded.

This lack of independence can evolve from things that children, such as not taking baths themselves, eating to be taken or even fed, to solving their own problems. There's a lo, Grandparents who even made homework out of school for their grandchildren.

These are the things that can make an argument or less harmony of the relationship between the child and the parent. Mother and Father felt that Grandparents could not support the parenting they applied to the Child. While Grandpa assumes Father Mother is a figure that "cruel" to the child because often impose discipline.

"Actually, the care pattern of Mother and Father and Grandpa is nothing wrong. For example, in terms of the desire to discipline the Son, Mother and Father of old and the present is relatively the same. However, its application may be different, especially if Grandparents feel successful raising their children with their first pattern of upbringing and positive results. But sometimes they do not take into account that the current conditions are different from those of old. So there is a conflict, "said Psychologist Vera Itabiliana Hadiwidjojo MPsi.

According to Vera, conflicts that may occur due to differences in perspective in terms of child care can be overcome by communication and agreement as follows:

1. Talk openly, convey hope to Grandparents in caring and applying parenting. Explain the Mother and Father's agreement on how to care for the Child.

2. Respect Grandmother Grandpa's opinion if they have a different perspective. But emphasize that Mother and Father have the noble purpose of parenting.

3. Invite Grandparents to increase knowledge about how to take care of the Child, for example by inviting him to take care of seminars and care of the Child, or reading magazines and similar books.

4. Invite Grandpa and Grandma to share the role in caring and nurturing the Child. For example, you create a rule in caring for and disciplining the Child, while Grandpa and Grandma participate oversee its application.

5. Explain to your parents that differences in parenting will cause confusion in the Child and the implementation of discipline will be difficult to walk as expected.

6. Familiar with Grandpa and Grandma to avoid any disputes. For example by inviting him to eat out or recreation with the Child. If there are occasional disputes, avoid open disputes in front of the Child

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The Role of Grandparents In Child Growth The Role of Grandparents In Child Growth Reviewed by Tri Angle on December 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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